お問合せ お申込み
 026-291-4015 (統括本部)
会社概要   求人・障害者雇用
 訪問マッサージとは  マッサージの効果  対象となる症状と疾患 お手続きと治療の流れ  施術料金


あさひメディカル 訪問マッサージ since 2009

患者様訪問  ホッと通信  ギャラリー 


Asahi-Medical Rehabilitation Massage at a home
To make the burden of Mr. patient and the family even a little light, we use a medical insurance system and offer the medical massage and the rehabilitation received at a home and facilities with low rates free. It's our role that I'm supporting independence of the person undergoing rehabilitation at home and am contributing to all person's happiness through visit massage rehabilitation. The operation teacher who acquired state qualification with technical knowledge grasps the situation of the health of the patients appropriately, is making a short term, middle term and a long target, cooperates with a medical agency in an area and is doing the medical care service which was in the position of patients.